Voltage Tolerance
The voltage amount added either side of the calibrated voltage for each button. For example, if the voltage received by the ECU falls within this distance from the calibrated voltage for a particular button position, the button is assumed to be pressed.Long Press Time
The amount of time a button must be in a depressed state for before the secondary long-press functions are enabled.
Rest Position
Used to distinguish between a valid and invalid input. Calibrate with no button pressed.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when no button is pressed. Typically the voltage will be between 4 and 5 Volts while in the Rest Position.Calibrate
By leaving the buttons unpressed and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
If state is Disabled this will change it to ReadyVoltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Enable Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Enable button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Sets cruise control state to Disabled.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the DISable Button is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Disable button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Enable / Disable
Enable / Disable button is a push-on push-off button. If the cruise control state is Disabled, pressing this button will change the state to Ready, otherwise it sets cruise control state to Disabled.Holding the button for the long press duration will disable cruise control.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Enable / Disable Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Enable / Disable button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
If state is Cruising: Pauses Cruise Control by setting state to Ready.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Cancel Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Cancel button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.Set
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and sets the current speed as the target speed.Also sets the current speed as the target speed (this also works while cruising to change your target speed).Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Set Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Set button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Set / Cancel
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and sets the current speed as the target speed.If state is Cruising: Pauses Cruise Control by setting state to Ready.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Set / Cancel Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Set button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
If Cruise Control state was Cruising: Holding the button will cause the car to continue accelerating until the user releases the button. The target speed becomes the speed that the car was travelling at when the button was released.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Accel Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Accel button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
If Cruise Control state was Cruising: Holding the button will cause the car to coast until the user releases the button. The target speed becomes the speed that the car was travelling at when the button was released.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Coast Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Coast button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
+ / -
If Cruise Control state was Cruising: A short press increases/decreases the target speed by the value of the Speed +/- Increment setting.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the + or - Button is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the + / - button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Set / Accel / +
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and sets the current speed as the target speed.If Cruise Control state was Cruising: A short press increases the target speed by the value of the Speed +/- Increment setting. Holding the button will cause the car to continue accelerating until the user releases the button. The target speed becomes the speed that the car was travelling at when the button was released.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Set / Accel / + Button is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Set / Accel / + button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Set / Coast / -
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and sets the current speed as the target speed.If Cruise Control state was Cruising: A short press decreases the target speed by the value of the Speed +/- Increment setting.Holding the button will cause the car to coast until the user releases the button. The target speed becomes the speed that the car was travelling at when the button was released.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Set / Coast / - Button is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Set / Coast / - button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and the target speed gets set to the last valid target speed. Note that this will do nothing if the user has not pressed Set since key on.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Resume is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Resume button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Resume / Cancel
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and the target speed gets set to the last valid target speed. Note that this will do nothing if the user has not pressed Set since key on.If state is Cruising: Pauses Cruise Control by setting state to Ready.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Resume / Cancel is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Resume / Cancel button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Resume / Accel / +
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and the target speed gets set to the last valid target speed.If Cruise Control st ate was Cruise: a short press increases the target speed by the value of the Speed +/- Increment setting.Holding the button will cause the car to accelerate until the user releases the button. The target speed becomes the speed that the car was travelling at when the button was released.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Resume / Accel / + Button is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Resume / Accel / + button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Resume / Coast / -
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and the target speed gets set to the last valid target speed.If Cruise Control state was Cruise: a short press decreases the target speed by the value of the Speed +/- Increment setting.Holding the button will cause the car to coast until the user releases the button. At that point the target speed gets set to whatever the current speed is.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Resume / Coast / - Button is pressed.Calibrate
By holding down the Resume / Coast / - button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.
Resume / Coast / Cancel
If Cruise Control state was Ready: changes to Cruising and the target speed gets set to the last valid target speed. Note that this will do nothing if the user has not pressed Set since key on.Holding the button will cause the car to coast until the user releases the button. At that point the target speed gets set to whatever the current speed is.If state is Cruising: Pauses Cruise Control by setting state to Ready.Voltage
The voltage read by the ECU from the switch when the Resume / Coast /Cancel is pressedCalibrate
By holding down the Resume / Coast / Cancel button and pressing Calibrate, the calibration voltage will be automatically set.