Your Haltech ECU has the capability to datalog to its internal memory. Datalogging can be enabled conditionally off a channel parameter, a switch, or enabled to log all the time.
This node allows the tuner to configure the activation condition to enable the onboard datalog to become active. You can use a combination of these settings to activate the logging. The ECU treats multiple methods of enabling as OR conditions, meaning that once any one of the conditions becomes true, logging will activate. The activation options are:
Always On - When enabled, the on-board datalog will be actively recording whenever the ECU is powered on.
Datalog Switch Input - When ticked, the on-board datalog will be actively recording whenever the Datalog Switch Input is on. This input can be configured in the Datalog Switch node.
Logger Off Delay - Once the conditions for enabling the datalogging are no longer met, the datalog will continue for this amount of time before disabling.
Enabled - When ticked, the on-board datalog will be actively recording whenever the selected channel matches the conditions specified. This function is configured as follows:
- Choose a channel to activate the logging by clicking the 'Select' button, then selecting a channel from the list and clicking OK.
- From the drop-down menu, select an operator for your channel. Eg you can choose 'Greater Than' to activate once a channel goes above a value.
- Enter the value you would like to activate the datalogging into the end field.
Data Channels
The NEXUS R5 ECU can log up to 300 concurrent channels internally at speeds of up to 1 kHz.
- To choose the channels to datalog, click the 'Add/Remove Channels' button.
- In the Channels window, highlight the channels you wish to log, and click the '>>' button. This moves the selected channels to the right of the window, indicating they are selected. You can select up to 300 channels.
- Click OK when complete
Sample Rate
The Sample Rate is expressed as a time interval between samples. For example, a channel with a 10 Hz (100ms) Sample Rate will log 1 sample every 100 milliseconds. A channel with a 200 Hz (5ms) Sample Rate will log 1 sample every 5 milliseconds.
- To change the sample rate of the logged channels, click the SAMPLE RATE drop-down box and choose the desired rate.