Engine On/Off Control

Engine On/Off Control

The Engine On/Off Control function controls engine startup and shutdown features such as Ignition Switch, Kill Switch, Engine Control Relay and Starter Motor Relay. This allows the end user to organise all aspects of engine startup and shutdown from one complete function.

Wiring Tab


Ignition Switch

Enables the use of an Ignition Switch Input to the ECU. The ignition switch allows the Ignition Input Sensor to control the operation of the main engine relays contained within the Fuse Box, such that when the switch is on, and during cranking, the sensor sees 12V.

Ignition Switch Type


The ignition switch state will stay on when the engine is running. This mode is used for the traditional key start.


The ignition switch stays on only while the button is pressed. This mode can be used for vehicles where the ECR must be latched after the ignition switch is released.

Engine Control Relay

Enables the use of an Engine Control Relay (ECR) output from the ECU. The Engine Control Relay allows the Elite ECU to control the 12V+ power supply to certain parts of the engine management, such as injectors and ignition coils. This should remain enabled when a Haltech supplied universal wiring loom with the integral fuse/relay box has been installed in the vehicle.

Start/Stop Button

On/Off Switch

The start/stop switch state will stay on when the engine is running. This mode is used for the traditional key start.


The start/stop switch stays on only while the button is pressed.

Starter Motor Control

Enables a Starter Motor output from the ECU, allowing the ecu to engage or disengage the starter motor according to an ignition switch or start/stop button input signal

Kill Switch

The Kill Switch allows for an input or ECU condition to be used to shut off the engine. This is typically used where there is no ignition key switch.

Wired Input

The kill switch signal will be received via a wired input into the ecu

Conditionally Triggered

The kill switch will be considered active upon conditional requirements chosen in the Kill Switch Conditions tab.

Connections - Start Button Input and Kill Switch Input


An SPI (Synchronised Pulsed Input) requires configuring of the edge and the type of Sensor to be connected.

Edge Select

Falling is used when the input is grounded when the switch is activated. Rising is used when the input is supplied voltage when the switch is activated.

Sensor Type

Set to Hall Effect for all switch inputs


Enables a pullup if required to generate a voltage when the switch is off.


An AVI will require Switch On and Switch Off voltages to be configured so the Elite ECU can know which voltages on the AVI meet the conditions required.

Switch On Voltage

The voltage either above or below where the switch is considered to be ON. When selecting an appropriate value some consideration should be given to allow for voltage fluctuations.

Switch Off Voltage

The voltage either above or below where the switch is considered to be OFF. When selecting an appropriate value some consideration should be given to allow for voltage fluctuations. Eg. if the switch is at 5V when it is Off and is grounded to 0V when the switch is On, you would set the On voltage to 1.0V and the Off Voltage to 4.0V.

Example 1

The switch is at 5V when it is Off and is grounded to 0V when the switch is On. Correct settings with tolerance would be to set the On voltage to 0.5V and the Off Voltage to 4.5V. i.e. when the voltage falls below 0.5V it is considered to be ON, and when it rises back above 4.5V it is considered to be OFF.

Example 2

The switch is at 2.5V when it is OFF, and is at 12V when it is ON. Correct settings with tolerance would be to set the On Voltage to 4.5V and the Off Voltage to 3.0V. i.e. when the voltage rises above 4.5V it is considered to be ON, and when it falls back below 3.0V it is considered to be OFF.

Connections - Starter Motor Relay Output


A DPO (Digital Pulsed Output) should be chosen for the Starter Motor Output.

Active State

Controls the whether the output is normal or inverted. Low will ground the output wire when the output is set to be On. Setting to High will invert this signal, with the output wire being grounded when the output is set to be Off, and not grounded when it is set to be On. (Default = Low)

ECR Latched Condition Tab

Enable Latched Output

Allows the ECR to be latched under chosen conditions.

Stop Condition


Select the ECU channel to be used.


A selection of Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than Or Equal To that is to be used.


The value the maths must meet to enable the condition.


Allows conditions to be combined so that multiple conditions must be met to latch the ECR.

Start/Stop Button Tab

Engine Start/Stop Under Normal Conditions

Engine Start Press Type

The type of press used to start the engine

Short/Single Press

The ECU will attempt to start the car as soon as the button is pressed, and will continue until Max Starting Attempt Time specified in Starter Motor settings.

Hold Until Started

The ECU will attempt to start the car as soon as the button is pressed, but will only continue to do so while button is held down (or key is in start position).

Emergency Engine Stop Settings

Minimum Button Hold Duration

The minimum time in seconds that the Start Button must be held down before being considered a long press

Minimum Number of Button Panic Presses

The minimum number of presses within a 1 second time frame on the Start Button before being considered an emergency panic press. Minimum allowed for this setting is 3 to avoid action being taken due to accidental press.

Kill Switch Conditions Tab

Stop Condition


Select the ECU channel to be used.


A selection of Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than Or Equal To that is to be used.


The value the maths must meet to enable the condition.


Allows conditions to be combined so that multiple conditions must be met to engage the kill switch.

Reset Condition


Select the ECU channel to be used.


A selection of Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than Or Equal To that is to be used.


The value the maths must meet to enable the condition.


Allows conditions to be combined so that multiple conditions must be met to reset the kill switch.

Starter Motor Tab

Max Starting Attempt Time

The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the starter motor will be active for each start attempt

Starter-Off Engine RPM

The starter motor will be disengaged when the engine is at or above this RPM. This should be set high enough so that the engine does not stall above this RPM.

Lockout Conditions

At least one of the Lockout Conditions should be set for safety reasons.

Brake Not Applied

If the box is ticked, the starter motor will not engage if the brake is not applied. A brake switch must be wired to the ECU to enable this setting.

Clutch Not Applied

If the box is ticked, the starter motor will not engage if theclutch is not in a depressed state. A clutch switch must be wired to the ECU to enable this setting.

Not in Neutral Gear/Park

If the box is ticked, the starter motor will not engage if the gear position is not either neutral or park. The gear detection function must be enabled, or a neutral switch wired to the ECU in order to apply this setting.

Custom Condition

A custom condition can be set to disengage the starter motor.

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