Knock Control is used to retard the ignition timing in the case that engine knock is detected by the sensors. By enabling short term retard, the knock is reduced, creating a safer system, and protecting the engine from potential damage and/or detonation. Long-term trim also ensures that in the case that the tune was incorrect, the long-term learning can implement a long-term retard where required, in order to further reduce knock.
select this option when more than one sensor is being used
Select this option for single sensors
This is the amount of short term retard that is applied when the Knock Detection has seen the Knock Signal exceed the Knock Threshold. (Default = 5º)
This is the rate at which the short term retard will decay away. This is measured in Degrees per complete engine cycle. (Default = 0.5º/ECyc)
Limits the number of retard actions for this amount of time, in order to avoid multiple retard actions for one event from compounding on each other.
Select this box to enable long term trim of Knock Control
This is the amount of long term retard that will be applied for each knock detection event that occurs in that particular cell.
The maximum amount that the long term can learn to retard.
Resets all values in the Long Term Trim tables to 0
Applies indicated values to the Base Table
Select this box to enable long term Ignition Restore. The learned amount of ignition correction per cell will be reduced (by the "long term retard" value) each time the ECU samples that cell and no knock event is detected.
This is the amount of ignition advance added to the long term table when there is no knock detected in that cell. It will continue adding if there is no knock up until the Max Restore value is reached
Controls the rate at which the long term can restore the learned amount of retard back to normal if there is no knock detected.
The maximum timing advance that can be applied to restore the long term trim table. Positive numbers are ignition advance and this means it can learn this amount of additional timing over the Ignition Base table.