Launch Control

Launch Control

The Launch Control function allows control of RPM and the power produced by the engine during the launching of the vehicle. This is done by introducing a temporary RPM Limiter, together with fuel and ignition mapping.

Using Launch Control on your engine can cause overheating of engine, exhaust system and valve train. Additional stresses on engine and driveline can cause damage and possible failure of gearbox, drive shafts, differentials, clutch and or crankshaft. Only experienced operators should attempt to use this feature.

Wiring Tab


Input Type

Always On

Launch Control will always be active when all conditions are met in the Launch Control Tab.

Launch Switch

A Launch Switch is to be wired to the Elite ECU to enable Launch Control.

Clutch Switch

Allows the Launch Control function to operate when the Clutch Switch is engaged. A Clutch Switch should be configured as a separate function.

Trans-Brake Input

Allows the Launch Control function to operate when the Trans-Brake Input is active. Trans-Brake should be configured as a separate function.


Launch Control Switch Input

Select an appropriate input to use for the Launch Control Switch. An SPI or an AVI (Analogue Voltage Input) can be used.

Connection Type


An SPI (Synchronised Pulsed Input) requires configuring of the edge and the type of Sensor to be connected.

Edge Select

Falling is used when the input is grounded when the switch is activated. Rising is used when the input is supplied voltage when the switch is activated.

Sensor Type

Set to Hall Effect for all switch inputs


Enables a pullup if required to generate a voltage when the switch is off.


An AVI will require Switch On and Switch Off voltages to be configured so the Elite ECU can know which voltages on the AVI meet the conditions required.

Switch On Voltage

The voltage either above or below where the switch is considered to be ON. When selecting an appropriate value some consideration should be given to allow for voltage fluctuations.

Switch Off Voltage

The voltage either above or below where the switch is considered to be OFF. When selecting an appropriate value some consideration should be given to allow for voltage fluctuations. Eg. if the switch is at 5V when it is Off and is grounded to 0V when the switch is On, you would set the On voltage to 1.0V and the Off Voltage to 4.0V.

Example 1

The switch is at 5V when it is Off and is grounded to 0V when the switch is On. Correct settings with tolerance would be to set the On voltage to 0.5V and the Off Voltage to 4.5V. i.e. when the voltage falls below 0.5V it is considered to be ON, and when it rises back above 4.5V it is considered to be OFF.

Example 2

The switch is at 2.5V when it is OFF, and is at 12V when it is ON. Correct settings with tolerance would be to set the On Voltage to 4.5V and the Off Voltage to 3.0V. i.e. when the voltage rises above 4.5V it is considered to be ON, and when it falls back below 3.0V it is considered to be OFF.

Launch Control Tab

Cut Method

Select if Fuel or Ignition is to be used to limit the engine. The same Cut Type (Hard or Soft) will be used as set in the RPM Limiter function.

Enable Coolant Validation

Allows engine Coolant Temperature to be used to enable Launch Control. This can be set to prevent Launch Control being used on a cold engine.

Min Coolant Temp

The engine coolant temperature must be above this amount before Launch Control can be activated.

Enable TPS Validation

Allows the Throttle Position Sensor to be used to enable Launch Control.


The Throttle Position Sensor must be greater than this amount for Launch Control to be active.

Enable Vehicle Speed Validation

Allows Vehicle Speed to be used to enable Launch Control.

Max Vehicle Speed

Launch Control will only operate below this amount of vehicle speed.

Related Tables

Launch Control

Fuel Enrichment

This table allows 3D (8x8) fuel corrections to be applied while the Launch Control is active. Often additional fuel is added to assist with turbo spool up when near to the desired RPM for launch. This is typically mapped over RPM and Load and should have values of 0% when not under actual launch RPM and Load.

Ignition Advance

This table becomes the new 3D (8x8) Ignition Base table while the Launch Control is active. The numbers in this table reflect actual ignition timing, and are not a correction amount. Typical numbers would reflect normal ignition timing until the engine is near to the desired launch RPM and load. When this point has been reached, retarded values would be used to generate high exhaust pressure with little actual engine power.

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