Race Timer

Race Timer

The Race Timer is commonly used in drag racing applications, as things like boost control and ignition timing have to vary as the race progresses. However, there's nothing to stop it being used for circuit racing or other purposes.

The Race Timer outputs to the Race Time channel, which shows in seconds with millisecond resolution.

The basic operation of the race timer is that it will be off when the ECU turns on. It will then check the start conditions, and begin timing from when the start conditions are met. It will pause if the pause conditions are enabled and met. It will unpause if pause conditions are enabled, but no longer met, And it will stop and reset to 0 if the reset conditions are met. 
Note that if both the start and reset conditions are met at the same time, the Race Timer will be kept stopped. A stopped race timer is indicated by the Race Timer having a value of 0.

Start Conditions

Number of Operations

This is the number of operations which are checked to start the race timer. Changing this will grey out any unused operations.

The Operations


Clicking Select will open up a channel search window showing all available channels.

Comparison type

A selection of Equal To, Not Equal To, Greater Than, Less Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than Or Equal To that is to be used.

Comparison value

The value the maths must meet

The Joiners (And & Or)

Allows operations to be combined so that multiple conditions must be met to create the new Generic Channel.

If you have one joiner set as And and the other set as Or, it is important to note that And operations are evaluated before Or conditions. This is because they're of higher mathematical importance (It's similar to PEMDAS and BEDMAS. In this case, AND is earlier than OR).

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