A common hack to make wiring simpler is to do the following:
In the Grey shielded Trigger 4-core cable we have 12V+, Signal Ground, Trigger+, and Trigger-. We need all of these wires except for Trigger-
In the Grey/Black shielded Home 4-core cable we only need the Home+
If we relocate the Green Trigger- wire so that instead of going to this ECU pin it instead goes to the Home+ ECU pin we now have all of the wires we require in a single 4-core cable.
For Elite 550 / 750 / 950
1. Remove the Yellow wire from ECU pin A32 and insulate it. It will not be used.
2. Remove the Green wire from ECU pin A33 and move it to A32.
For Elite 1000 / 1500 / 2000 / 2500
1. Remove the Yellow wire from ECU pin B2 and insulate it. It will not be used.
2. Remove the Green wire from ECU pin B5 and move it to B2.