Zero the Cam Angle Map and make sure the engine is up to operating temperatures.
Enable the Cam Control Input and set up the values or use the default values as stated above. Adjust the trigger angle value until the cam angle reads 0 degrees (Make sure that the Cam Control Output is off).
Enable the Cam Control Output and set up the values or use the default values as stated above. Make sure that the cam angle stays around 0 degrees. If you find the cam angle increasing before coming steady try decreasing the 'Steady State Duty Cycle'.
Increase the Intake Cam Angle Map by 10 degrees to make sure the cam position follows it.
Do dyno runs at 0 degrees cam angle and at every 10 degree increment up to the maximum cam angle that can be used.
Fill out the map so that the cam angle produces the maximum torque at any given RPM and load.