The Short Pulse Width Adder table is used to adjust the opening time of the injector in its non-linear operating zone. Although injectors deliver fuel amounts linear to their on-time across most of their operating range, there is a portion of this on time where the relationship is not linear and therefore needs to be corrected. This data is always obtained from the injector manufacturer and rarely can be calculated by the end-user.
If enabled, each stage has a Short Pulse Width Adder table that should have its axis set as 'Effective Pulse Width'. This channel reflects the calculated pulse width sent to the injectors in this stage, less the injector dead time.
The axis values should start at 0.000ms and increment appropriately to match the data provided by the injector manufacturer.
Cell values are 'adder' values in milliseconds and will correct the end pulse sent to the injector. Values can be added or subtracted up to +/-5ms. Ensure the final cell has a 0ms value to prevent an incorrect pulse width being sent to the injector.
Here is some example data as supplied by Injector Dynamics for their ID2600-XDS fuel injectors. This shows a common shape that most modern injectors will follow.