This node contains settings and tables for the injection stage. There is a separate node for each stage of injection.
Setup - this sets the injector current control mode for each injector output on this stage. This setting must be set correctly for the accurate operation of the fuel injection system. Whenever there is more than 1 fuel injector per output, this should be set to 'Custom' and appropriate values entered. For impedance information on your fuel injectors, see the supplier/manufacturer documentation.
1 - 3 Ohm - Current Controlled 4000mA Peak. 1000mA Hold.
3 - 8 Ohm - Current Controlled 2000mA Peak. 500mA Hold.
High - Saturated. No current control. (most common)
Custom - see below
Custom Settings - only used when 'Setup' is 'Custom'. This mode should only be used when you have specific data supplied by the injector manufacturer
Peak Current - this is the current supplied to the injector to initially open it.
Peak Hold Time - the peak current will be supplied to the injector for this amount of time, unless the calculated effective injection time is less, in which case the event will be cut short. The hold time starts once the injection output reaches the peak current value.
Hold Current - this is the current supplied to the injector for the remaining duration of the injection event after the peak hold time.
Staged Injection
With Nexus staging, each injection stage will operate up until it reaches its 'Staging Duty Cycle', at which point that stage will hold its duty cycle and the next injection stage will start to deliver fuel. This repeats for each injection stage that reaches its 'Staging Duty Cycle'. Once all injection stages have reached their 'Staging Duty Cycle', all stages will increase their duty cycle to 100% together. The rate of increase of each stage is controlled so all stages reach 100% duty cycle at the same time.
Example: 2 stages of injection with Stage 1 Staging Duty Cycle set to 50%, and Stage 2 Staging Duty Cycle set to 50%.

Example: 2 stages of injection with Stage 1 Staging Duty Cycle set to 50%, and Stage 2 Staging Duty Cycle set to 75%.

Example: 3 stages of injection with Stage 1 Staging Duty Cycle set to 50%, Stage 2 Staging Duty Cycle set to 50% and Stage 3 Staging Duty Cycle set to 50%.

Example: 3 stages of injection with Stage 1 Staging Duty Cycle set to 40%, Stage 2 Staging Duty Cycle set to 60% and Stage 3 Staging Duty Cycle set to 80%.

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