Rolling Anti-lag
Rolling Anti-lag Wiring
Connections Rolling Anti-Lag Switch Select an appropriate input to use for the Rolling Antilag. An AVI (Analogue Voltage Input) or an SPI (Synchronised Pulsed Input) should be used. Connection Type SPI An SPI (Synchronised Pulsed Input) requires ...
Rolling Anti-lag Fuel Correction
When Rolling Anti-lag is activated this correction table is used to provide fuel enrichment on top of the base fuel table.
Rolling Anti-lag Ignition Override
When Ignition overide is switched on via the Rolling Anti-lage page this table replaces the base ignition timing table as long as Rolling Anti-lag is activated. When the Rolling Anti-lag button is released standard ignition timing operation resumes.
Rolling Anti-lag
The Rolling Anti-lag function limits either vehicle speed or engine RPM (whichever is indicated in the settings) while the Rolling Anti-lag button is pressed, allowing turbocharged engines to build boost before a rolling launch. This is useful in ...